My Website is Officially Published!

I am BEYOND thrilled to announce that my website,, is up and running!

I'm so massively proud because the aesthetics and design is so, so me. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to design and aesthetics, so creating and building this website from scratch completely on my own was a dream because I got to execute on the exact vision I had. What you're seeing right now is the mobile view of my website, but please visit my website on your computer so you can get the full view of the design!

Actors usually have websites to provide to casting directors and talent agents to showcase their actor materials (demo reels, vocal reels, headshots, and actor resume), but I also wanted to use this website to promote my YouTube channel, provide a space to upload music I've been meaning to record (i.e. uploading a vocal reel displaying the variety of singing styles I can do, some cover songs I've been wanting to record, etc.), provide updates and news about me, and direct folks on how to contact me and how to reach my social media and actor profiles.

I've done "informal" food reviews on my IG stories of restaurants I visit, and in the future, it would be really awesome to have more formal restaurant, bar, and food reviews on my website as well.

I am so proud of this website. Please let me know what you think!


I Made It to the Top 32 Actors for Monologue Madness!